The Karloff Compendium

Following many years of research and featuring hundreds of amazing images – many rare and previously unpublished – Unstoppable Editions presents The Karloff Compendium. The most comprehensive book about Boris Karloff's numerous film roles, including several recently discovered movies, plus selected highlights from TV, radio, theatrical work and more!

Available in the following editions:




Boris Karloff: More Than a Monster

Currently out of print. 

The 2nd edition is currently in progress.

Article contributions to:

70s Monster Memories

408 pages, over 70 chapters and thousands of memories, this is the final word on being a monster kid in the 1970s. Covering every aspect from books to mags, posters to trading cards, horror on TV to model kits, movie tie-ins, Super 8, vinyl, comics, artists and lots more, this is a real collectors item. 

Stephen's article: 

Dave Swift, Memories of a Monster (Toy Collector) 

N.B. The paper copy of the first and second editions are now out of print. An eBook version is available.

Unsung Horrors

440 pages covering mo­re than 200 films fro­m the silents to the ­70s that are neglecte­d, unappreciated or f­orgotten. Everything ­from The Alligator Pe­ople to Willard and ­much much more. 

Stephen's articles:

The Clairvoyant (1935)

The Dark Eyes of London (1939)

N.B. Both the 1st and 2nd editions of this book are now out of print.